My programming journey started in 2016 when I was a freshman in highschool. I was watching a Node video and was so fascinated by the fact that Sam was building a VR game in Unity to show to his friends. For the next year I sat in my room everyday and watched every tutorial I possibly could about Unity. In my last 3 years of highschool I mostly experimented with UIKit for IOS, Python, and Java.
Today I am driven by goals to build an amazing career forging products that have immense impact on the world and help large amounts of people. I am also driven to serve people. I have done some freelancing jobs which mostly consisted of consulting work to help people come up with technical solutions for their business needs/problems. Since my years in highschool I have found a passion for web developement; although I am fairly agnostic when it comes to language/framework and am just excited to learn and create.

NFT Minting Site
This was an NFT project I created to learn the up and coming Web3 technologies. It features a ReactJS front end and a solidity backend. The NFTs include data such as rarity and attributes associated to them making each one unique and special (some more than others). All NFTs and data surrounding them live on IPFS storage through a service called Pinata.

The Developer Post
The Developer Post was a passion project to share my love for tech and business. My main focuses were to ensure that the website was responsive, SEO friendly, and contained valuable content. It is integrated with Netlify CMS to make generating new content a breeze.

Property Management Site
This is a web app to help landlords keep track of their properties and the people who reside in them. It uses NextJS for the frontend and Firebase for the backend.